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Friday, June 3, 2011

School Stories

Dana's Name Day is June 2
Students can be so funny sometimes. Towards the end of class the students are free to ask me random questions as we wait for the bell to ring. One of my 3rd grade boys asked me, "Daaana, when is your birthday?" 
"April 30," I told them. 
"And when is your Name Day?" He asked. We had been through this before a few months earlier, but I guess the kids forgot. So I told them once again the sad news. 
"I don't have a Name Day." 
"No Name Day?" The boy shouted with grief. 
"That's right no Name Day." The boy then stood up and pointed at me while speaking to the rest of the class in Hungarian--telling them that I had no Name Day. The kids looked at me with sorrow and then they all got up out of their chairs to give me a group hug. Oh, geez I thought I've lost complete control of the classroom, but it got better. Then one of my girls said, "We will make today Daaana's Name Day!" They cheered at this suggestion and then looked at me to see if I would agree. 
"Okay, then. Today is my Name Day." I told the class. 
"Yippeee!" They cried out in cheers and shouts. Then in unison they started singing, "Happy Name Day to you, Happy Name Day to you!" While they sang the Name Day song another student fashioned a make-shift birthday cake for me using a sponge with a pencil stuck through the top. 
"Make a wish!" "Make a wish!" The class chanted. 
I blew out my 'candle' and then the bell rang. I guess my wish came true. 

Ben's Second Football Experience 
This last week the weather has been good and the kids have been inside all day testing. I had my entire 9th grade group in one class last Thursday. I came in and they were all depressed and trying to contain their desire to have the day end. One of my students had purchased a football and was running his finger on it. I had mine in my bag because one of the other teachers wanted to see it. So I smiled and asked, "Who would like to go outside today?" They all looked up with a smile and EVERY hand shot up. So we all went to the flattop soccer field behind the school. I gave the girls my football and the boys played with theirs. The girls get a little scared of the boys so I spent time with them and they became quite good at throwing. Then the boys convinced me to play touch with them. We had a little 30 minute game. 

Everything was going fine until a student punted the ball to us and it bounced on the ground and through a open ground window into the basement. All the kids were laughing and they came running over. We looked through the window and it was a gym. I was expecting a small room. Then 2 of my kids crawled through the window to get the ball. That is when they discovered that the door was locked from the outside. They sighed and crawled back out. However, one of my less fit students could not quite make it. He just laid on the floor and moaned while the other kids cheered him on and took pictures. Then the janitor started yelling at the kids and they all went running. I caught one and asked about getting the kid out and they said the janitor would do it. We went to the classroom and one kid came in really quiet and nervous. I asked what was up and he said, "I think we are in trouble!" So I went into the hallway and saw the school director and he just nodded to me and that was it. So I don't know if we are in trouble or the director's lack of English made him hold off his complaint until next week :) Oh, well it was a fun day and the kids really enjoy getting to do things a little out of the ordinary. I have no regrets.

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