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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bicycling around Debrecen

The bicycle, the bicycle surely, should always be the vehicle 
of novelists and poets. ~Christopher Morley

We never bought bikes while living here and perhaps that was a mistake. We borrowed bikes from our friends Ferdi and Melinda and have really enjoyed riding around town. No longer do we always have to ride on a crowded tram or wait on a bus. With the weather in the warm 80's (28 or so Celsius) it has been ideal for biking.

Back in Fort Worth we use to ride the Trinity trail frequently on the weekends. Now we have the whole city of Debrecen to explore. It is remarkable how a city can feel so different from one mode of transportation to the next. From walking, to buses, to trams, to cars and now bikes we have seen this city in every possible light. If only you could freeze the month of May--Debrecen would be the perfect place. However, time is going quickly now and June is now here. We have just a few weeks left in the city and it is bittersweet. Luckily we have the luxury of using bikes for a little bit to get the most out of our time here now.

We borrowed bicycles from our friends Ferdi and Melinda.

After a bike ride you should always get
an iced coffee. 

Soccer/Football man is back for the summer.
He saw Ben with the camera and decided to pose. 

Entertaining no one in particular. 

Ben on the move.

Riding around the square.

Ben on the bike.

Debrecen in the landscape. 

We had to grocery shop. You see it looks very similar to
back home. If you didn't hear people speaking another
language you probably wouldn't even know the difference. 

Our grocery--we go to many.
This happens to be on the way home.

The cemetery is very beautiful and well kept.

We reached the city limits.

We had dinner with our friends, Nancy and Amy at Calico Jacks Pub.

Ben's dinner.

My dinner--I had already eaten some. This is chicken quesadillas.

Having tea and coffee afterward at the local Tea House.

Riding the smallest Tram in Debrecen. 

The conductor driving.

Goodbye small tram!

Inside the bookstore.  Another example of how similar it is
to back home. 

Ben took a picture of the Debrecen coat of arms.

The Hairgrove's in Debrecen.

A once frozen pond is now a thriving area of play and entertainment.
These slides and bounce houses were for celebrating Children's Day. 

Paddle boat cars.

A lily pad or two.

People admiring the pond from the bridge.

Fishing for dinner.

A frog looking for a lily pad.

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