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Sunday, June 5, 2011

9th Grade Class Trip

Yesterday we went out to a park a little outside of Debrecen with Ben's 9th grade class. We thought we were meeting at the High School, but when no one showed up we rode our bikes to the train station hoping to meet up with his class there. When we arrived at the station we were greeted with waves and smiles. This little train station is used just to take people out to the park. We were happy we arrived before the train left so we didn't have to bike all the way out to the park. The park is located in the 'Great Forest' just outside of town. 

Train Station. 

The front of our train.

Inside the train.

Looking out the window.

Ben enjoying the train ride. 

Relaxing on the train.
The train dropped us off into a big open field. This is definitely not your typical train stop. As we walked through the forest to get to the park I told Ben that it felt like we were going to a renaissance fair. Ben said that every thing in Hungary has a sort of festival feeling to it.

Departing the train.
 When we arrived at the park there is a huge pavilion area ready for people and picnicking. In no time at all people were setting up their camp fires and preparing lunch. It was only 9 a.m. but meals in Hungary are taken seriously. As is the custom, the smells of goulash and other assorted stews wafted through the air as we played football. Ben made sure to bring the (American) football because his 9th graders have been quite enthusiastic about learning the game.

At the park.

Ben talking with his 9th graders.  His favorite phrase to
say is, "So what's the plan?"

Ben tossing around the football.
After a while the students tired of football and decided to go on a hike to a lake nearby. We decided to join them, even though it walking through the woods meant being attacked by mosquitos along the way.

Walking towards the lake.

The lake was beautiful. 

A sign to the park.
We stayed a short time at the lake and then headed back to the main park. Once everyone was gathered again it was time for some friendly competition before lunch. We were split into 3 teams where we competed in a series of challenges like balancing water on your head, leap frogging, speed eating and even putting on a quick play.

Balancing water challenge.

We were acting out the story of "Little Red Riding Hood."
I played the part of "Tree #3." I don't like to brag, but I think
I did quite good holding up my tree branch.
After the team competition it was time for lunch. We had wild pig stew, a sausage stew, bread, and pickles. When lunch was over the students got a little restless and decided to start a water fight with each other. It was really entertaining, especially when your the one not getting soaked.

Water fight!

When the water fight had died down we played another round of throwing the football. It is a great ice breaker to play football in Hungary. People would just randomly come up to us and want to learn how to throw it. 
Football in the field. 
After American football it was time for some real football--European style. I wasn't brave enough to get out into the field and play, but I did take some great photos of Ben playing.

Ben was often called, "Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee" while playing
with his students. I think it is the way he kicks the ball.  

Chasing the ball.

Ben got assigned goalie. 
While Ben played football I decided play badminton with another student. She was much better at the sport than I was, but it was still fun. I felt like I was just getting the hang of it when I hit the birdie onto the roof of the pavilion. I felt really bad, but she said it was okay and that it was time for a rest anyway. So we decided to go on a carriage ride with some of the other students. The ride was very entertaining. You know your in good hands when your driver is shirtless, smoking a cigarette in one hand and driving the carriage in another. It was a bumpy ride, but we made it around the park safely.

Preparing the carriage. 

Riding along.

Sign to different areas in the park.
 After the carriage ride it was time to leave the park. We gathered our stuff and head back to the train. The mood arriving and departing are always so different. When we got there everyone was bouncy and excited, when we left everyone was tired and a little sun burnt. Why is it that being in fresh air always exhausts you by the end of the day?

Leaving the park.

The red wood trees.

Open field with trees in the background.
When we got back to the station we said our goodbyes and rode back to our apartment. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we got a good nights rest after such a busy day.

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