
Thanks for visiting our blog about our time in Hungary.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday adventures in Debrecen!

Never underestimate spending time in your own town...especially when your in Europe. Ben and I are eager to travel in Hungary and in the rest of Europe, but sometimes it is nice to take a weekend and relax at home. While at home this Saturday we traveled around Debrecen discovering more nooks to hide away in. We came across this beautiful and peaceful park across from the University in Debrecen. While I spent time sketching the pond and trees, Ben went around and took pictures. We were happy to get outside after a couple of days of rain. 

Besides going to the park, today we went on a self-guided bus tour of the city. We are continually discovering new bus routes to take and where they lead to. We had a few moments of confusion---like when the bus just stopped and everyone got off--and then the bus driver motioned to us to also get off. Apparently it was the end of the line. A kind old lady (who only spoke in Hungarian) pointed to a bus stop across the street for us to go to. While riding around on the bus today we discovered more tennis courts, a hockey rink/ice skating rink, and of course more cute apartments (that we wish we lived in). We enjoyed riding the bus today because it was also a lot less crowed than it is during the week. I should also clarify about what I mean when I say "bus." There are three kinds of transportation around the city of Debrecen--bus, tram, and trolley. So when I say "bus" I actually mean anyone of these (but I am too lazy to say which one, so I say "bus" for all of them). 

I also was able to buy my first English novel here in Hungary! Yes, they do sell novels in English here, but they are not easy to always come by. Luckily we live in a big enough city to support a bookstore that has an English section to it. Otherwise I would have to travel to Budapest every time I needed a new book in English. Unfortunately for Ben we have not found any graphic novels here in English yet. It looks like he may have to start reading books without pictures again.  :) 

Another random thing we found while shopping the other day was a dryer for sale. It was the first dryer we saw in Hungary for sale. Most Hungarians don't have dryers because the electricity to use one is too expensive (and besides it's more fun to hang things out the window right? ha, ha.).  Well this dryer we saw was only $300, which was a pretty good price---and even a little tempting. We joked that it would make a good Christmas present for each other. Or even better we thought, what if all our friends on Facebook chipped in one dollar so we could buy one! Ha! Well...it's fun to pretend at least.

We also have become better cooks since living here too (well Ben actually)! Now don't get too excited---our skills before we came were pitiful so we had nowhere to go, but up. Ben has really taken to cooking and has developed a skill for making edible meals out of the random contents of our fridge. You see, the stores around here close early on Saturday's...so if need to buy groceries past 1:00 p.m.---good luck! Ben somehow looks at the contents of our fridge and says..."Oh, we can use this and that and etc, etc."  Whereas, I look at the fridge contents and go..."Oh crap, we have nothing to eat! I guess this means a granola bar and some popcorn!" Thank goodness I have Ben...otherwise I would be very hungry in Hungary.  :)

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