
Thanks for visiting our blog about our time in Hungary.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ben's Random Thoughts...

Random Discovery
We discovered that Hulu does not allow you to watch shows outside the U.S. So we had to watch Sunny in Philadelphia at another “alternative” site. So if you know any other sites that are good for viewing things like Madmen etc. let us know. We looked at Netflix but it did not offer hardly anything on Demand. We luckily can watch Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert still. We are curious to see when the fall network shows pop up if we will be able to see those as well.
Thoughts about my teaching in Hungary thus far:
My students stand up when i enter the room until I tell them to sit down. (Awesome power that is hard not to abuse) I feel like a preacher when I lower my hands for them to sit. The 10-12th graders know better English than the majority of my students at Dunbar. The 9th graders are half and half. Some look at me totally confused and the others more or less understand me. When I asked the school director what they wanted me to teach his response was "anything you want" I was like "math, history, etc." He said "no anything about American culture to get the kids familiar with talking like a native person." So basically I am teaching an American Culture class where my only requirement is to talk a lot.... I am sorry but this is the easiest job ever! 
On top of that in Hungary I am considered to have a masters simply because I am registered to teach in the states. So Eric screw your paper just move to Hungary:). and P.S. Daley and Andrew you can kiss my a$$ :) j/k. The other funny thing is that the Director doesn't know much English so I had a translator. After he was done I said the only word in Hungarian I can remember "Koszonom" which is "Thank You" and he responded with "Your Hungarian is very good." It was hard not to start laughing. He liked me so much he is having me teach more classes and giving me a raise on top of the raise for having a "masters." The only bad thing is that I do not have my bus pass yet so I walked 2 miles to school and 2 miles back. I also have to be there at 7:30 a.m. but I only work at the High School Tuesday and Thursday. The other 3 days are at the language institute and will usually be later in the day. When I am at the High School I am usually done by 2:00 p.m. Sorry if this sounds like bragging but I just thought y’all would find it funny especially fellow teachers back home.

Closing Thoughts
We do really miss everyone back home. I am the most sad to miss the Glenn Beck rally in a few days. It is a true sign of American greatness. Kind of like roadkill being considered a fine cuisine. I am obviously joking about Glenn Beck. I cannot stand him and his comments are so stupid it should be used as punishment in jail. I will stop there, take care everyone! - Ben

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