
Thanks for visiting our blog about our time in Hungary.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

News around Debrecen

We don't often report about news events going on in Debrecen. However, when I was walking by the main square last week for work I saw the most unusual site. A military type of demonstration. My first instinct was to be nervous, but my second thought was, cool, what is going on? I didn't have time to watch the soldiers marching in place or hear any speeches (not that I would have understood them anyway). Later that day I asked Ben if he knew about what was going on and he didn't know either. Then he asked some of his adult students about what had happened. One of them found out for us and sent us a news link.

So is Hungary finally going to invade Romania and take back that land that was theirs? Who knows? But this is what we did find out:


Thanks to the magic of google translate I have translated the article from Hungarian to English.

The soldiers took part in búcsúztatóján Csaba Hende, the minister of defense. Thetárcavezető said the deaths will not change its original purpose and is not scheduled to be completed before the time of the foreign military mission.

It is not a perfect translation, but you get the idea--maybe. The video attached to the news story shows the main square along with the soldiers and if you squint really hard you may or may not see me walking in the background.

1 comment:

  1. Csaba Hende is the minister of defense in Hungary.
    He was here in Debrecen. Of course we aren't going to invade Romania. We send solders to Afghanistan and Kosovo.What you saw was a military parade. :-)
