The next day of our trip was to Pisa and Florence! I had been to Florence before when I was 18, but not to Pisa. When we started out on our tour it was raining again, but when we got to Pisa the rain had stopped (and did not return for the rest of our trip). Our tour bus dropped us off near the Field of Miracles in Pisa. There we spent an hour looking around and taking the obligatory pictures of holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Me holding up the Tower of Pisa. |
Ben's so strong he only need's one hand! |
Ben was surprised at how many "Leaning Tower of Pisa" things were for sale. Especially the more raunchy ones--like having the Tower on some boxers (in a suggestive way) or having a close up of Michelangelo's David on some boxers or apron. But honestly, come on ladies who wouldn't want to see their husband in those boxers...(ha, ha). The things they try to sell to tourists are hilarious and tacky, but I wouldn't waste my money on it. Not when there are leather purses in Florence with my name on them! :)
So on to Florence we went without any "Tower Boxers." By now the sky was sunny and we were getting to see Italy at its best and just in time too! Florence is in my opinion one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, not to mention Italy.
Once in Florence our game plan was this: Tour the major sites first so Ben could see all the wonderful history of the city, then lunch, then shopping! Because honestly girls, Florence is a town designed with us in mind. Every corner there is a new shop beckoning you to go inside. Florence is small enough to navigate on foot, but big enough to include historical buildings and 50% off sales! Pretty much the perfect siren call for a girl like me.
We went a little crazy on the picture taking that day too. So enjoy the next group of pictures. There are actually more pictures than this, that I didn't include, if you can believe it!
Entering downtown Florence. |
Santa Croce. |
A copy of the Michelangelo's David. |
Another copy of something Michelangelo did. |
The Loggia del Porcellino or in American terms
---where all the really expensive shopping is! |
If you have a couple thousands of dollars to waste come here! |
Eating gelato...again! |
Enjoying our gelato. |
Ben in front of the Baptistry. |
Florence Cathedral. |
Santa Maria Novella. |
While in Florence we saw so many beautiful sites, and that includes me finding a leather purse. I'm sure you were worried! Ben also found himself a new leather wallet, his old one was falling apart. I thought it was serendipitous for us to be in Florence and for him to need a new wallet. After four hours in Florence we had to go back on the tour bus and go to the ship. It was a funny site to see all the husbands with there wives at the end of the day. All of the husbands were carrying shopping bags and one even exclaimed, "We must stop shopping! I'm hemorrhaging money!"
On the ride back to the ship I fell asleep clutching my leather purse like a new red rider action riffle with a compass in the stock, and dreaming of all future trips back to Florence. Come back tomorrow for Part 5--When in Rome does Ben discover the next plot for a Dan Brown book?
The Tuscan country side. |
More of the majestic Tuscan country side. |
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