This may seem impressive...until you feel how heavy the bags are! I can already say with confidence that we have exceeded the weight limit for our bags. We'll have to pay the fines, but that's cheaper than trying to mail it to ourselves later. (At least I hope so).
Besides the packing the hardest part about leaving is saying goodbye to our family, friends, dog, co-workers, cars, house/apartment, blue bell ice cream (Ben's favorite food), and my cinnamon bread (my favorite food). We feel like we have been saying goodbye now for months. Even though we are sad about leaving we are also ready to start our new adventure. We have been planning this for so long we almost forgot it was actually going to get here.
So the next time you hear from us we'll be long gone to Mars, I mean London and then Budapest for our training. Two weeks from now we'll be finally at our new home in Debrecen. Until then Jo utat! (means bon voyage in Hungarian) :)
So the next time you hear from us we'll be long gone to Mars, I mean London and then Budapest for our training. Two weeks from now we'll be finally at our new home in Debrecen. Until then Jo utat! (means bon voyage in Hungarian) :)
Glad to see you’re finally making progress on your Hungarian ;). Love you guys and miss you already! Have a good time and I hope to visit you in the spring.